2020 MCA Annual Meeting Teleconference

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Date(s) - 06/04/2020
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Virtual Annual Meeting


2020 MCA Annual Meeting Teleconference

June 4, 2020


Please take notice that the Annual Meeting of Members will take place on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 10:00 am. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and pursuant to the authorization contained in Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.18, as extended by Executive Order 202.29, the meeting will be held by telephone conference call.  

The call-in number is 800-582-3014 and the passcode is 35603470. 

A roll call will be conducted before the meeting commences to assure that at least 20 Voting Members (the quorum number) are participating in the call. To facilitate the roll call, please register below if you intend to participate in the conference call meeting.


Officers and Board members will be elected at the Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee report will propose the following to serve as Officers for a two year term:  
Anthony Desmond, President
Justin Locke, Vice President
Theresa Doran, Secretary-Treasurer 
The following to serve as Board members for a three year term:  
Eric Barna  
Joanne Aliberto
The following to fulfill the term of Justin Locke until 2022:
Nicholas DiBartolo
Reports will also be presented by the President, the Treasurer and the Audit Committee.
The Board has also proposed amendments to the Bylaws which will be submitted for approval by the members at the Annual Meeting. The proposed amendments relate to the following:
1.Article II preamble and  Sections 1, 3 and 5 have been re-worked to clarify the classes of members, to identify the cemetery-member as the voting member which designates a member representative and to define a supplier member as a firm that supplies the cemetery industry.
2.The last clause of Article IV, Section 1 has been eliminated since it appears to conflict with the authority granted to the Board by Article VII to appoint Committees.

3.The first sentence of both Sections 2 and 3 of Article VI have been eliminated since the applicable law refers only to annual meetings and special meetings of members and does not require notices of meetings to be signed.

Consistent with this, Article VIII was changed to provide that the bylaws can be changed at an annual meeting instead of at a regular meeting.  
4.The title of Article VIII has been corrected to be “Amendment of By-Laws” and the word “Quorum” was deleted.
As authorized by the Bylaws, this Notice is being provided by electronic mail.
__5/14/2020________                            Theresa Doran_____ 
Date                                                                  Secretary