MCA 2017 Spring Business Meeting

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Date(s) - 03/30/2017
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

SeaShore Restaurant & Marina


2017 Spring Business Meeting

Co-Chairs: Jim Garland, Theresa Joyce and Justin Locke 
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Date:               Thursday, March 30, 2017    
Place:              Sea Shore Restaurant
                        591 City Island Avenue
                        City Island, NY 10464
Cost:                $ 65.00 in advance
                         $ 75.00 at door              
RSVP:              March 22, 2017
Program Schedule
10:00                 Registration, coffee and danish
                          Sponsored by Mullen Construction


10:30                 Welcome
                          MCA update: Theresa Joyce, President
                          NYS Division of Cemeteries report 
                          Lewis Polishook, Director
                          Government and Legal Affairs 
                          Kevin Boyd
11:00                  Presentation
                          “Everyday There’s Something New:
                           Meeting the Challenges of Providing
                           Cost Efficient, Quality Benefits and
                           Executive Perks in a Changing 
                           Topics include:
                           Complying with the Affordable Care Act
                           Retaining Key Personnel
                           Professional Employer Organizations
                           Retirement Plans: 401(k) Strategies
                           Thomas G. Ferrara, MBA, CEO
                           Future Value Associates, LTD
                           Sarah M. Becker, President        
                           Future Value Associates, LTD
                           Joseph Giannini, Jr. Brokerage Director
                           Mass Mutual/Charter Oak Insurance
                           Michael A. Massa, Actuary and President
                           Massa & Associates
12:30                 Lunch
                          Sponsored by Fenimore Asset 