MCA Golf Outing

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Date(s) - 07/05/2018
10:00 am - 8:00 pm

North Hills Country Club


27th Annual MCA Golf Outing

July 5, 2018

Click here to register online!

Click here to download a registration form!

North Hills Country Club – 200 Long Island Expressway, Manhasset, NY 11030
Cost:                   $295 Golf Package (Rain or Shine)
                           $315 after 6/29/17
                           $135 Dinner and Open Bar only

RSVP:                By 6/29/2018

10:00am             Breakfast
11:30am             Shotgun Start, carts included – Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Beer and Soda
5:00pm              Buffet Dinner with Open Bar                  
7:00pm              Golf Awards and Gift Raffle
Please remember: Proper Golf attire – Golf shorts or pants required. No cargo shorts, cargo pants or jeans                                                  
Sponsorship options included through online registration or contact us for more information.
27th Annual MCA Golf Outing Sponsorship Options
Dear Cemetery and Supplier Member:
We are happy to announce our 27th Annual MCA Golf Classic to be held on Thursday, July 5, 2018 at North Hills Country Club, Manhasset, Long Island, NY.
We are requesting your continued support in offsetting the cost of our Golf Classic. Please consider a tee or green sponsorship of $250. Each tee or green will have a sponsorship sign identifying its sponsor. Please respond by June 22nd so that we have time to print the sponsorship signs.
We are also offering Breakfast sponsorship for $750, Lunch sponsorship for $1,250 or Dinner sponsorship for $2,000. All meal sponsorships include a tee sponsorship sign.
Please also consider bringing a gift, golf related or otherwise, for the raffle at the conclusion of dinner.
We would like to thank all of our supplier and cemetery members for their continued support of our Association.
Very Truly Yours,
Kevin Boyd